CCM's Statement on the Murder of George Floyd and Racial Equality

CCM’s Mission is to exist to improve the health and wellness of the communities it serves through its retail food stores. CCM operates as a cooperative owned by its members and is dedicated to improving the quality of life for its staff, customers, suppliers and neighbors. To us this means more than selling groceries. It also means enriching the lives of the people in our area, through supporting other local businesses and non-profit organizations, building local commerce and providing for countless residents.

Helping to effect positive social change feels like an important part of that work. 

We’re here to serve our community, and we are committed to doing so even in the midst of social distancing obstacles and amidst the ongoing work for social justice and equity. We want to respond in many ways, and to recognize that our response will be incomplete, imperfect, and intricate. 

We empathize and grieve with you, in the sorrow and anger that many of you feel regarding the cruel murder of George Floyd. We know that this inhumane incident is not isolated and cannot be blamed on the actions of a few. Systemic racism infects every avenue of our society and we must not tolerate a culture where such horrific acts are permitted. 

This is why we are dedicated to aiding more organizations who support racial justice and equality, through our Change for the Community donation program. But we need your help! Let us know which local 501c3 organizations we should consider for future drives, and our staff will vote to select a new recipient each month.

Submit your nominations here.

As a member of the National Co-op Grocers (NCG), we are coming together with hundreds of other food co-ops to make donations to the following organizations. Please see the statement by NCG linked here and let us know what organizations you are supporting.